
Ecologist assessment team appointed to investigate parkland

4 July 2022

In response to the community’s aspirations for the most up-to-date environmental information about the parkland, three local consultancy firms; Mark Rigby and Associates(MRA), Gold Coast Botany (GCB) and ddwfauna have been engaged as a consortium by Economic Development Queensland to complete a full ecological study of the Currumbin Eco-Parkland.

Recognised as leaders in their respected fields of natural sciences, these environmental experts have provided over 20 years of ecological services to Queensland and parts of New South Wales across both the private and public sectors.

MRA will work as the lead consultant on the parkland study, which will be completed in four phases over the next four months, with initial field assessments occurring in the next two months (weather and field conditions permitting).

Starting on site in July 2022, phase 1 will include a review and ground truthing of the desktop studies completed prior to the parkland being acquired by the state government in December 2021. The desktop studies informed the preliminary opportunities and constraints outlined in the draft options plan discussed during our community consultation sessions.

Phase two will include the field assessment of fauna and flora species and habitat, ecological constraints, and the geological and topographic aspects of the site.

The consortium will also take part in and present at our master planning sessions. Their ecological field assessment will provide more clarity, with information gathered in the field, around the ecological areas of importance across the site. This will directly inform the design of the draft master plan for the site.

Meet the Currumbin Ecological Assessment team.

How you can get involved:

Do you have a story, memory, interesting fact, or environmental information about the parkland? Or do you know of unique flora and fauna in the parkland? Share your story and images of Currumbin Eco-Parkland with the team.

Details about further community engagement activities will be available on our Currumbin Eco-Parkland Have Your Say page. To receive the latest information and to stay up to date don't forget to please register on our Have Your Say page.