
Initial engagement session – environmental groups

25 March 2022

Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) would like to thank the members of the local environmental groups who attended the initial Currumbin Eco-Parkland engagement session.

The session provided an opportunity for:

  • EDQ to provide overview of the works regulation and election commitment guiding the project
  • EDQ to share early findings from community feedback received from the online survey and comments on the options plan
  • Lat27 to share the methodology behind the development of the options plan
  • Community members and environmental groups to share what they value about the site, and what they would like the master plan to consider.

Presentations are available in the online library section for your information review. Meeting summary notes are being prepared to capture the discussion.

This was the first meeting in a series of conversations with the community. Our next session is scheduled for Wednesday 27 April, and will focus on the sport and recreational interests in the site. Details for how sporting groups, clubs and recreationalists can register to attend this session will be available closer to the date.

Community members who already registered an Expression of Interest to meet for a face-to-face session can expect an invitation to attend a session on Thursday 12 May.

To stay informed about the project and future workshops, please register on the Have Your Say page.