
Onsite ecological workshop provides further understanding

17 August 2022

On Friday 5 August an onsite ecological workshop was conducted at the Currumbin Eco-Parkland, facilitated by the EDQ project team.

Members of the ecological assessment team – Natalie Hoskins (MRA Environmental), David Jinks (Gold Coast Botany) and Damian White (ddwfauna) – led the two-hour session which involved locals with an environmental interest in the parkland, as well as members of the Department of Environment and Science.

The project team invited leaders of various environmental community groups who had raised specific ecological concerns throughout the community engagement process. The attendees were able to raise their queries with the project’s ecology team who explained the site study and how these concerns will be investigated.

While walking around the site, the group was given an overview of the initial site findings. Of particular interest were three significant regional ecosystems that have been identified as part of the process, as well as several threatened plant species that were pointed out on the day.

An overview of the fauna expected to be observed on the site was also provided, including an outline of the proposed fauna survey methods. This information will be updated on the state mapping system for future reference.

It is expected the ecological assessment team will continue their evaluation of the parkland throughout September 2022.