
Planned Burn Postponed – Hoffschildt Drive

1 August 2024

Update:19 August 2024

Due to inclement weather conditions, the planned burn scheduled at the Currumbin Eco-Parkland has been delayed and the window for the burn has been extended to late September.

We are monitoring site and weather conditions during this time, and both the VMS boards installed along Currumbin Creek Road and this Have Your Say page will be updated when a firm date has been set.

Original Article: 1 August 2024

Preparations have begun for the planned burn on the property boundary adjacent to Hoffschildt Drive and it is likely the planned burn will occur between 5th – 16th of August 2024.

Residents may notice an increase in activity by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service in the coming weeks. Further information about the burn can be found here.

Residents around the Currumbin Eco-Parkland may have noticed variable message signs (VMS) installed along Currumbin Creek Road and the entrance to Hoffschildt Drive since the 22nd of July.

As the planning progresses, the weather conditions are being closely monitored. When the optimal conditions for the planned burn under the terms of the Permit to undertake a planned burn are met, we will need to move quickly before the window of opportunity closes. This means a firm date for the burn cannot be predicted far in advance.

Both the VMS boards and this Have Your Say page will be updated when a firm date has been set.