Currumbin Eco-Parkland Activation Plan

Activation of the Currumbin Eco-Parkland project delivers on a commitment by the Queensland Government ahead of the 2020 election, to protect an important and unique 148-hectare parcel of land at Currumbin and transform it into the one of the largest eco-parks in Australia.

The Queensland Government acquired the site in November 2021 and has invested $31 million in the 2023-24 State Budget to support the activation of an Eco-Parkland offering fantastic recreational elements and providing a location for wildlife rehabilitation. The activation plan for the Eco-Parkland highlights efforts to preserve the unique site in the Gold Coast hinterland, alongside native animals and bushland.

Throughout 2022 Economic Development Queensland led a comprehensive community engagement process and technical site assessments, including commissioning a full ecological study of the site, to design an activation plan which incorporates the strong ecological values of the site and community feedback.

Once activated, the Currumbin Eco-Parkland will feature sporting and recreational elements for family and community enjoyment, nature based recreational trails, protections for local koala habitats, including space for a new externally managed koala facility, small-scale vet unit and a dedicated fodder eucalypt plantation and provide opportunities for rehabilitation and appreciation of the natural environment.

Rehabilitation of the site will see revegetation lots created within the parklands and are proposed to be dedicated as a conservation park under the Nature Conservation Act to ensure natural and ecological values are protected and managed accordingly.

The new parkland is expected to enhance the Gold Coast’s global reputation as a tourist destination while protecting local flora and fauna for future generations.

The activation plan can be viewed here.

Consultation and how it informed the Activation Plan

EDQ’s work to date has included leading planning for the project, which included commissioning a full ecological study of the site and community engagement encompassing Traditional Owner representatives, local environmental groups, recreation, and sporting groups, as well as local residents to ensure everyone had an opportunity to put their ideas forward for the long-term future for the site. An Enquiry by Design workshop was also held, providing stakeholders with the opportunity to participate in an interactive workshop and help shape the direction of the project.

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