Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) is currently undertaking technical assessments to support housing outcomes on EDQ-owned land at 35 University Drive, Meadowbrook.

The site was identified through the Queensland Government Land Audit as being suitable for residential development and, once developed, could contribute to the supply of a mixture of market and affordable housing.

Initial assessments include determining the necessary road, drainage, water, sewerage and power infrastructure required to support housing development on the site.

Work is anticipated to commence in mid-2025, subject to development application approval.

The proposed development is part of EDQ’s plan to unlock under-utilised Government owned land and fast track the provision of diverse housing options, including affordable housing, for Queenslanders.

Driving the delivery of diverse housing

As the Queensland Government’s land use planning and property development agency, EDQ plans, regulates, facilitates and delivers development projects, including the provision of a range of housing typologies.

On 1 July 2024, the Economic Development Act 2012 (ED Act) was amended to support EDQ in driving the delivery of diverse housing at scale, and across the state, to respond to the current housing supply challenges in Queensland.

These changes have positioned EDQ to increase the supply of diverse housing, including quality social, affordable and market housing, in accelerated timeframes, and build the capacity of government and the housing sector to deliver housing outcomes in a flexible manner, tailored to specific needs and circumstances.

By leveraging government intervention, EDQ is maximising industry capability and utilising alternative funding sources and delivery models.

This includes enabling EDQ to enter into agreements with third parties, such as Community Housing Providers, to deliver social and affordable housing.

EDQ is committed to working with industry to create inclusive communities that support Queensland’s economic growth and provide diverse housing options integrated seamlessly in neighbourhoods close to local services, amenity, education, jobs and transport.

To find out more, please visit To stay updated on the progress of this proposed development please follow this project page.

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