
3 July 2018 Northshore works Harbour Rd

5 July 2018

BMD constructions, on behalf of EDQ, is upgrading the street lighting in a section of Harbour Road and Hercules Street. These works will create a more consistently lit street. Once installed, the new LED lighting will be more efficient and aesthetically pleasing including a reduction in the amount of overhead wiring.

Where will it occur?

View the map outlining the areas where pedestrian access will be affected during the upgrade. Please note access to properties will continue to be provided.

When will this occur?

Works are scheduled to commence on Monday 9 July 2018 between the standard council noise restriction hours of 6.30 am and 6.30 pm and will continue for approximately three weeks, weather permitting.

What will I see and hear?

The working areas will be separated with flagging and bollards, fencing will be used if required.

There will be plant/equipment onsite including excavators, pole removal trucks, vacuum trucks, site vehicles, concrete trucks and general machinery.

There will be noise from reverse squawkers and general machinery noises, with the occasional louder noise when cutting posts or hammering and cutting concrete. We will aim to keep the loud noises away from early morning as best we can.