
Hercules Street Park playground improvements

5 August 2020

Please be advised that the Hercules Street Park playground at the western end of Northshore will be temporarily closed for minor improvement works from the 24 August to 8 September 2020.

These dates are subject to change pending construction completion but all efforts will be made to complete works before popular use over the school holidays.

Some preliminary works for foundations of the playground improvements will begin this week. These works will largely be conducted in garden beds adjacent to the water play zone, and have minimal impact on use of the park and playground until 24 August. At certain times there will be closures of the small car park to the west of the playground to accommodate construction vehicles and equipment.

Alternative parking can be located at: 92 MacArthur Avenue

These works are being conducted in response to community feedback requesting additional shade, and observations of misuse of play equipment with some choosing to climb on top of the playground structure.

Once improvements have been made, visitors to the park will enjoy increased shade zones and safety ready for the summer months ahead.