
MacArthur Avenue change in traffic conditions - Sewer works

28 March 2023

Roadworks: MacArthur Avenue Sewer Construction

We wish to advise of some upcoming roadworks along MacArthur Avenue South, see attached plans.

What will the infrastructure works involve?

In order to cater for the future growth and development of the area it has become necessary to carry out roadworks to upgrade underground services. The works will involve;

  • Installation of new sewer pipeline and manholes along MacArthur Avenue.
  • Road demolition and reinstatement.
  • Verge demolition and reinstatement.

When will these changes take effect?

Low impact preliminary works will commence on Monday 27th March including tree removal, service location and site establishment.

Construction works including changed traffic arrangements will commence on Tuesday 11th April. The works are scheduled for completion in July, weather dependant.

What are the impacts of the works?

Low Impact Preliminary Works (27th March):

  • Material and equipment deliveries within verge
  • Tree removal within verge (may include minor traffic management, no closures or detours)
  • Service location within verge
  • Site Establishment including demountable buildings, storage containers & fencing.

Construction Works including Changes to Traffic Arrangement (11th April):

  • Changed traffic conditions - Eastbound traffic on MacArthur Avenue will be diverterted onto the Southern side of the road between the cross roads of Theodore St and Cedar Rd. Refer to attached plan for more details.
  • Vibration - excavation and compaction equipment may cause vibrations during working hours.
  • Noise - construction equipment and pumps may cause noise within the vicinity of the works during working hours.
  • Maximum Working Hours are Monday-Saturday 6.00am - 6.00pm. Prior notice will be provided should works need to occur outside of these hours.

We would like to thank residents and road users in the area for their patience and understanding while this important project progresses.