
Northshore Roads Program consultation update

18 December 2023

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey, attended a briefing or joined us for the roundtable discussion.

The Northshore Roundtable presentation and display materials are available below. The display materials include outcomes from the technical assessments prepared for the program.

About the Northshore Roads Program

The Northshore Roads Program will be delivered over six years and, on completion, will provide:

  • Approximately 8 kilometres of new and upgraded roads to improve connections across the precinct and create neighbourhood streetscapes.
  • Improved access to Kingsford Smith Drive with a new road connection that provides signalised two-way access.
  • Extensive landscaping with approximately 1,000 new trees and thousands of shrubs planted across the precinct to create cooler streets and promote walking, cycling, and e-mobility.
  • Access for all with universal design as a key principle and wider than standard verges, increasing comfort and safety for everyone.
  • Improved flood immunity through raising roads and upgrading drainage.
  • Provision of approximately 300 on-street car parks and EV charging facilities.
  • Separated cyclist and pedestrian facilities on major new streets and reduced speed cycling streets are proposed for minor streets.

The staging of the delivery of the roads is not confirmed, and this is indicative only. On completion of the road designs and once a contractor is appointed, the staging will be finalised, and an update will be sent to the community.

Further updates will be provided when the design and staging for the Northshore Roads Program are finalised in Q1 2024.