
Vegetation Removal Works

20 August 2024

We wish to advise of upcoming vegetation removal works within the designated blue works zone (please see the map below) near the southern intersection of MacArthur Avenue and Angora Road. These works are anticipated to start on Thursday, 22 August and will take two to three days to complete, subject to weather and site conditions.

The vegetation to be removed primarily consists of non-native species. Economic Development Queensland is currently exploring options for replanting larger, suitable species throughout the site.

These removal works are required for the construction of a new retaining wall, which will form the perimeter of the Bluey’s World venue. Excavation works and the construction of the retaining wall will begin shortly after.

Update 26 August: Additional vegetation clearing is required within the light blue works zone to facilitate the installation of a new Energex transformer in the red zone, as shown on the map below.

These works are scheduled to commence on Tuesday, 27 August, and are expected to take two to three weeks to complete, subject to weather and site conditions.

Please be advised that these works may generate some noise and dust. Best practice mitigation measures will be implemented, and the crew will consistently monitor noise and dust impacts throughout the works. Pedestrian access through the area will be maintained at all times

Map of vegetation removal