
Change of development application lodged

5 August 2022

In April 2022, site investigations were undertaken within Lots 22 and 23 of Stage 1 that identified groundwater seepage occurring on Lot 22.

The investigations included several trench excavations at selected locations within the lots where uncontrolled fill material (containing demolition waste and asbestos fragments) had been identified. Further test pit investigations were completed by Geotechnical Engineers, Butler Partners, to assess the extent of the uncontrolled fill.

These additional investigations found uncontrolled fill material within the Tree Protection Zone of four trees located on Lot 23.

EDQ have made every effort to retain the impacted trees, however the qualified arborist (The Tree Guru) and Butler Partners have confirmed removal of the four trees is required due to the extent of uncontrolled fill requiring removal. The qualified arborist assessment has determined that due to the extent of uncontrolled fill to be removed, the four trees would pose a risk to “life and or property” if retained.

The uncontrolled fill will be replaced with suitable compacted material under Level 1 supervision.

To enable these works to be completed a change of development application was lodged for the removal of the four trees located on approved Lot 23 in Stage 1. This application is currently under assessment with confirmation of a properly made application received on 5 August 2022.

To offset the loss of the four trees, EDQ proposes to plant 12 trees (at a 1 to 3 ratio) within Lot 23.