
Development application - retirement facility and community centre

17 November 2021

A development application (DA) for a retirement facility and community centre at Songbird Oxley has been lodged with Economic Development Queensland (EDQ).

Honeycombes Developments lodged the DA on 27 October 2021 and EDQ deemed the application ‘properly made’ on 10 November 2021.

The DA and supporting documentation are now available for the public to view online at

To search for the application, please go to the above page, click on “current applications”, and type in DEV2021/1234 to view the retirement facility and community centre development application.

At this stage, it is envisaged public notification will not be required, as the application is consistent with the approved master plan for the site, which underwent public notification. It is also understood that the development does not exceed the parameters that trigger notification under the provisions of the Oxley PDA Development Scheme.

Please note, the retirement facility and community centre DA is separate to the aged care precinct DA lodged on 25 June 2021.

If you have any questions about the retirement facility and community centre development, please contact the proponent at Honeycombes Developments or email Elizabeth Aroney at

Alternatively, if you have any questions about the application process, please contact EDQ Development Assessment at