
Overall Masterplan and Stage 1 development application has been lodged

8 April 2020

The development application (DA) for approval of the Oxley Priority Development Area (PDA) Masterplan and Stage 1 development, was lodged in February 2020.

A range of reports and documents were prepared for, and submitted with, the development application including but not limited to landscape plans, traffic impact assessment, civil engineering report, stormwater management plan, geotechnical report, ecology assessment, bushfire management plan and vegetation clearing and fauna management plan.

The application and supporting documents can be viewed online by searching DEV2020/1099.

A public notification period is to run for a 21 business day period from 8 April to 11 May 2020, giving the community a formal process to have their say on the proposal.

Submissions can be made via post or email. Further details on how to make a submission, can be found online.