The Sunshine Coast Airport Priority Development Area (PDA) was declared on 28 July 2023. The PDA covers almost 460 hectares of land in Marcoola on the Sunshine Coast. The Airport is a key domestic and international gateway to the region.

The Airport has been identified in ShapingSEQ 2023 as major enabling infrastructure to support the northern gateway regional economic cluster and contributes to the continued economic growth of the Sunshine Coast region.

The Interim Land Use Plan (dated July 2024) is in effect and public consultation on the proposed Development Scheme will occur from 26 June 2024 until 8 August 2024. Development in the PDA will support the growth and expansion of the Sunshine Coast Airport

The proposed Development Scheme will provide for uses that can capitalise on the proximity to direct export markets to support the creation of a modern competitive airport precinct servicing staff, passengers, visitors and residents.

To find out more about the Sunshine Coast Airport PDA click here.

Development scheme

A development scheme is the regulatory document which assists with planning, carrying out, promoting, coordinating and controlling land development within the PDA.

A Proposed Development Scheme has been prepared for the Sunshine Coast Airport PDA, and, in accordance with the Economic Development Act 2012, is available for public comment. To view the Sunshine Coast Airport PDA Proposed Development Scheme click here.

The following two studies were undertaken to inform the Proposed Development Scheme:

Engagement opportunities

The Sunshine Coast Airport PDA proposed Development Scheme is available for public comment between 26 June 2024 and 8 August 2024.

Submissions can be made:

Via email:

Or mail: Economic Development Queensland, GPO Box 2202, Brisbane Queensland 4001

To assist with making a submission, a Submission Form can be downloaded, completed and submitted via email, in person or by post.

You can download the Submission Form here or obtain a printed copy from:

Economic Development Queensland, Level 14, 1 William Street, Brisbane Queensland 4000

How do I find out more?

Visit the Frequently Asked Questions on this page for more information.

You can speak with the EDQ team at one of the following information sessions:

  • Meet a planner drop-in information session: Thursday, 11 July between 10am – 11:30am at Northshore Community Centre, 701 David Low Way, Mudjimba.
  • Meet a planner drop-in information session: Saturday, 13 July between 10am – 12pm at the Sunshine Coast Aero Club, 16 Friendship Avenue, Marcoola.
  • Online information webinar: Monday, 15 July between 4pm - 5pm (please register here)
  • Meet a planner drop-in information session: Thursday, 18 July between 5:30pm – 7pm at Northshore Community Centre, 701 David Low Way, Mudjimba.

You can also contact the EDQ team by email at or call on (07) 3452 7880 (business hours 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday).

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