The 106-hectare Woolloongabba Priority Development Area (PDA) was declared on 22 September 2023 and an Interim Land Use Plan (dated September 2023) was given effect.

The Interim Land Use Plan will remain in effect until a PDA development scheme is finalised, following public consultation.

The community are invited to have their say about the proposed development scheme (The Woolloongabba Plan) for the Woolloongabba PDA from 2 May 2024 until 5 July 2024 (the submission period).

Woolloongabba PDA Opportunity

The Woolloongabba PDA was declared in response to a range of urban regeneration opportunities such as:

  • major public transport investment in Cross River Rail, the Kangaroo Point Green Bridge and the proposed Woolloongabba Brisbane Metro station.
  • alignment with other State priorities, such as affordable and social housing provision, high-value job creation, and improved amenity for community enjoyment.
  • potential for greater planning cohesion and integration, connecting significant precincts to the city and major destinations.
  • revitalising underutilised inner-city areas to support more people living closer to public transport, workplaces, entertainment districts and services.

Through its declaration as a PDA, EDQ’s streamlined planning and assessment processes apply, enabling more housing, jobs and open space sooner.

Proposed Planning Framework

Following declaration of the Woolloongabba PDA, EDQ has developed a proposed planning framework to manage growth and facilitate transformative urban regeneration. The proposed planning framework includes the following key documents:

  • A Proposed Development Scheme, called The Woolloongabba Plan
  • Draft Public Realm Guideline

Development scheme

A development scheme is the regulatory document which assists with planning, carrying out, promoting, coordinating and controlling land development within the PDA.

Prior to finalising a development scheme for the Woolloongabba PDA, a Proposed Development Scheme (The Woolloongabba Plan) has been prepared and, in accordance with the Economic Development Act 2012, is available for public comment.

Draft Public Realm Guideline

The Draft Public Realm Guideline supports The Woolloongabba Plan by providing additional guidance around public realm outcomes and relevant PDA development requirements, including how more open space and extensive urban greening will be enabled. The Draft Public Realm Guideline is also available for public comment.

Interim Infrastructure Plan Background Report (IPBR)

While detailed infrastructure planning is underway, including the preparation of a Development Charges and Offsets Plan (DCOP), an interim Infrastructure Plan Background Report has been prepared for the Woolloongabba PDA and is available for background information purposes.

EDQ is currently preparing a draft DCOP that will undergo public notification separately after the development scheme is finalised in September 2024. For further information about DCOPs, infrastructure planning and infrastructure funding, please visit EDQ's Infrastructure Charges Policies page.

To learn more about The Woolloongabba Plan, Draft Public Realm Guideline and the public consultation process click here.

Community Priorities

To help inform planning for the PDA, a community priorities study was undertaken. The study explored community perspectives on urban change in Woolloongabba and identified priorities for future development. The outcomes of the study can be found here.

Have Your Say

The Woolloongabba Plan and Draft Public Realm Guideline are available for public comment between 2 May 2024 and 5 July 2024.

Submissions can be made:

Via email:

Or mail: Economic Development Queensland, GPO Box 2202, Brisbane Queensland 4001

To assist with the submission, a Submission Form can be downloaded, completed and submitted via email, in person or by post.

You can download the Submission Form here or obtain a printed copy from:

Economic Development Queensland, Level 14, 1 William Street, Brisbane Queensland 4000

Further information about how to make a submission is available here.

How do I find out more?

Download the factsheet and visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

You can also contact the EDQ team by email at or call on (07) 3452 7880 (business hours 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday).

By registering for updates on the Woolloongabba PDA, subscribers can ask questions on the Have Your Say page.

Make a Submission

Woolloongabba Priority Development Area - Proposed Development Scheme and draft Public Realm Guideline

A submission should:

• be in writing

• include the submitter’s name and contact details

• be received during the submission period, from 2 May 2024 to 5 July 2024

• include a description of any aspects of the Proposed Development Scheme (The Woolloongabba Plan) and/or Draft Public Realm Guideline that you would like to provide feedback.

Providing the above information will ensure your views are considered. To assist with the preparation of submissions, Economic Development Queensland has prepared a submission form, which can be made via email or downloaded and submitted via email or post. Use of this submission form is non-mandatory.

CLOSED: Public notification of the Woolloongabba Plan has now closed.

Exploring community priorities for Woolloongabba’s urban transformation

The purpose of this survey is to explore your views and priorities for the future development of the Woolloongabba area.

Your responses will be summarised and shared with Economic Development Queensland who is responsible for preparing a new plan (called a development scheme) for the Woolloongabba Priority Development Area (PDA).(External link)

Your responses may also be shared at future public engagement events and in reporting. Comments will not be attributable to individuals.

The map below shows the boundary of the Woolloongabba PDA.

The survey should take approximately 12 minutes to complete and will close 14 January 2024.

Economic Development Queensland acknowledges the First Nations peoples in Queensland: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples and their connections to the lands, winds and waters. We pay our respect to Elders, past and present.

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

Naming the renewed precinct

The Woolloongabba precinct could be renamed as “East Bank” and will be transformed into a vibrant mixed-use destination featuring retail, dining, housing and open space.

Help us decide by completing this short survey.

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

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